Product development best practices

A collection of best practices for product developer teams. I've found these methods working really well at Google and other Silicon Valley companies, and they can be adopted easily.

Evaluate startup ideas - over coffee

A few simple questions to ask when you are going to evaluate the potential of a startup idea, the company and their product.

Embracing uncertainty

We are uncertain of the future, but that is not something you talk about on a business meeting, it doesn’t sound professional. Dan North gives a few examples how we can embrace the uncertainty and face our fears.

Getting started on a big idea

You’ve been inspired. You’ve a big idea. Yeah? Now what?
Astro Teller shares a few of his mantras that help him to make through challenging times.

What You Can’t Say

Paul Graham’s What You Can’t Say is social commentary on heretical thinking and intellectual fashions. It is a really good gym for our brain: how can we detect, analyze and handle our social environment, especially the parts that are unthinkable or at least unsayable.

ElasticSearch: Big Data and Analytics

People use ElasticSearch (ES) mostly for full-text search, but it can be used to store large amount of data and use it for analytics. Shay Banon, the author of the open-source, distributed search server, talks about how to achieve this.

Looking for more articles? Check out the archive.
A collection of articles about software, business, innovation, AI and culture.
Edited by István Soós.
Languages: en, hu
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